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James Robertson

Biography (Francais - English - Türkçe) - Constantinople - Types

D’origine écossaise, Robertson nait dans le Middlesex en 1813 et acquiert une formation de graveur de médailles à Londres. Il arrive à Istanbul en 1841 parmi les techniciens britanniques chargés de réorganiser le Trésor et la monnaie impériale. Décoré de l’ordre de Nissan Iftihar en 1851, il se met à la photographie en 1852 et documente les principaux monuments d’Athènes (1854) ainsi que l’arrivée des troupes britanniques envoyées en Crimée. Il ouvre un studio, rue Péra en 1855 et expose la même année à la Photographic Society de Londres ainsi qu’a l’exposition universelle de Paris. En 1856, il documente la guerre de Crimée en compagnie de Felice Beato qui est à la fois son assistant et son beau-frère. L’année suivante, ils se rendent ensemble à Malte et à Jérusalem. Ils réalisent ensuite une nouvelle série sur Istanbul et proposent le premier ensemble connu de types et costumes turcs aquarellé d’après photographie. Après avoir publié de nombreux albums chez Cundall à Londres, Robertson consolide sa réputation. Cependant, en septembre 1867, il est contraint de liquider ses archives et de vendre ses appareils ainsi que son atelier. Il continuera à travailler pour le Trésor Impérial ainsi que pour diverses autres commissions administratives jusqu’en 1881, période à laquelle il s’embarque pour le Japon, ou il meurt en 1888. Il apparaît comme l’un des pionniers de la photographie dans l’Empire ottoman.

Originally from Scotland, Robertson was born in Middlesex in 1813 and trained as a medal engraver in London. He arrived in Istanbul in 1841 among British technicians in charge of reorganizing the Treasury and the Imperial currency. Decorated in the Order of Nissan Iftihar in 1851, he began photography in 1852 and documents the major monuments of Athens (1854) and the arrival of British troops sent to Crimea. He opened a studio in 1855, in Pera Street and exposes the same year at the Photographic Society of London as well as Paris World's Fair. In 1856, he documented the Crimean War along with Felice Beato who is both his assistant and his brother in law. The following year, they go together to Malta and Jerusalem. They then carry out another round of Istanbul and offering the first known set of watercolored Turkish types and costumes from photographs. Having released many albums with Cundall in London, Robertson has consolidated its reputation. However, in September 1867 he was forced to liquidate his archives and sell his cameras and his workshop. He will continue to work for the Imperial Treasury as well as various other administrative committees until 1881, at which time he left for Japan, where he died in 1888. He appears as one of the pioneers of photography in the Ottoman Empire.

Iskoç Kökenli Robertson, Middlesex’de 1813’de dögdu. Londra’da maldaya oymacisi egitimi aldi. Istanbul’a 1841’de, Imparatorluk parasini ve Hazine’sini yeniden düzenlemekle görevli Ingiliz teknisiyenlerle birlikte geldi. 1851’de Nisan-i Ifahar nisani alir. 1852’de fotografçiliga baslar ve Atina’nin belli bash anitlariyla (1854), Kirim’a yollanan Ingiliz birliklerinin gelisini belgeler. 1855’de Pera’da bir stüdyo açar ve ayini yil, Londra Photographic society’de ve paris Evrensel Sergisinde sergi açar. 1856’da hem assistant hem de kayinbiraderi olan Felice Beato Kirim savasini Belgeler. Ertesi yil, bitlikte Kudüs’e ve Malta’ya giderler. Daha sonar Istanbul’la ilgili bir seri hazirlarlar ve, fotografa dayali sulu boyayla ilk Rürk giysi ve tiplerini sunarlar. Robertson, Londra’da Joseph Cundall’da birçok album yayinlayarak ününü pekistirir. Ancak, 1867’de, arsivlerini, makinelerini ve atölyesini stamak zoruda kalir. 1881’e kadar, Imparatorluk Hazinsi ve digger bir dizi idari kimisyon hesabina çalismaya devam eder. 1881’de japonya’ya gider ve 1888’de orada ölür. Osmanhi Imparatorlugu’nda, fotografin ilk öncülerinden biridir.

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