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Our Spring-Summer 2017 exhibition presents a rare collection of 250 original, mostly amateur, probably never published or seen, photographs taken in China in 1906.

Durant le second semestre de 1906, le Lieutenant Bernard Loup en compagnie de son épouse effectue un séjour en Chine du Nord, plus particulièrement autour de Tien-Tsin et de Pékin. Bernard Loup est suffisamment curieux pour photographier des éléments de la vie quotidienne, ainsi que des principaux évènements qu'il va vivre durant son séjour.

During the second half of 1906, French Lieutenant Bernard Loup along with his wife, visited the North of China, especially around Tientsin and Peking. Bernard Loup is inquisitive enough to photograph scenes of daily life as well as the main events happening during his stay.


A new exhibition is added every 3 to 4 months, depending on our inventory and new acquisitions.


Expositions Internationales de l’Aéronautique - Winter 2016-Spring 2017

Caucasus, 1900 - Gems of the NPG Stereoviews - Autumn 2016

French Art Deco Bronze in Photographs - Spring 2016

Fleurs, Feuilles & Fruits - 36 Photographies d'apres nature - Winter 2015-2016

Automobile Racing - Targa Florio 1925 - Autumn 2015

Occupied Paris - Avis a la Population! - Summer 2015

Tour de Corse en 3D - Summer 2014

Javanese Types by Woodbury & Page - October 2013

Anonymous Parisian Scenes, circa 1885 - June 2012

Flying Pioneers : Vieilles Tiges - Portrait Gallery - December 2011

Matamoros: Champion and Martyr of Religious Freedom in Spain - August/September 2011

Pre-WWI Russian Aviation - June/July 2011

Mister Blind - April/May 2011

Mers el-Kébir Battle - July 1940 - February/March 2011

Napoleon III Second Empire - Portraits Intimes - December 2010

Flying Pioneers : 1909 Reims International Meeting - October/November 2010

Anonymous... and Small... - July/August 2010

James Robertson: Türkiye’de fotografin öncüleri - April 2010

Le Mont-Blanc: Tourisme et Photographie - January 2010

Les Freres Seeberger: Regard sur la France de l'Entre-deux-guerres - November 2009

19th Century Photographers Business Cards - September 2009

Vieilles Tiges & Aeronauts Autographs - July 2009

Droles d'Oiseaux ~ Silly Birds - April 2009

Floral and Botanical Still Life - January 2009

Vienna Aristocracy in Charity Play - Atelier Adele

Jules Richard, Jean Agelou - La Magie du Relief

Charles A. Lindbergh, the Lone Eagle in Belgium

Early Theatre Portrait Gallery - December 2007

Dialogue de Sourds - October 2007

Flying Pioneers: Pre-WWI Aviation - July/August 2007

Early Operatic Portrait Gallery - May 2007

French Aeronaut in Pre-Soviet Russia - March 2007

Childhood on the Lower East Side - January 2007

Racing Driver Memories, 1909-1913 - November 2006

French intervention in Mexico, 1862-1867 - September 2006

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